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energy intensity中文是什么意思

用"energy intensity"造句"energy intensity"怎么读"energy intensity" in a sentence


  • 耗能强度
  • 能量强度
  • 能源密集度


  • An analysis on changing factor of chinese energy intensity
  • How to decompose indicators of gdp energy intensity reduction
  • Energy intensity fell by only 1 . 2 % last year , less than the 4 % required to meet the 2010 goal
    去年中国的能源强度仅降低了1 . 2 % ,远低于上述目标所要求的年均4 %的降幅。
  • The result shows that china ' s actual energy intensity is about thirty thousand tons of sce / hundred million yuan
  • In conclusion , we bring forward the suggestion of reducing energy consumption under the precondition of keeping the optimal energy intensity
  • Based on that , we estimates china ' s optimal energy intensity and calculates the gap of the actual energy intensity and optimal energy intensity
  • All this is supposed to help china reduce energy intensity ( the ratio of energy - consumption to economic output ) by 20 % between 2005 and 2010
    所有这些都是为了能有助于中国实现其能源强度(能源消耗与经济产出之比)在2005至2010年间降低20 %的目标。
  • At present , the demand forecasting of natural gas mostly adopts branch energy intensity model method . this method uses energy intensity and the real energy value to produce sum
  • Log mean divisia index method was adopted to analyze the effects of activity level , market share and energy intensity of various transportation systems on energy consumption of passenger and fright transportation
  • Using an endogenous growth model , this paper analyzes the relationship of energy consumption and economic growth , it proves that the optimal energy intensity that maximizes economic growth rate exists and the optimal energy intensity and energy price change in opposite directions
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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